I’m constantly tinkering with new ideas.
The following are the ones that I’m not too embarrassed to talk about. 😜

TransistorWP – Transistor.fm Embeds for WordPress
Current status: Available/Active
Pricing: $30 – $250 / year
I’ve used Transistor.fm to host several podcasts over the last few years. It is a really great service, and when anyone asks me about starting a podcast these days I recommend they take a look at Transistor.
Although Transistor makes it pretty simple to copy and paste embed codes to display episode players in your WordPress website, I eventually thought it would be nice to simply be able to publish a new episode on Transistor, head over to my WordPress site, and select the new episode.
So, I built a plugin that allows you to do just that, you can visit the website here.

Full Year Calendar Tab – Chrome Tab Extension
Current status: Available/Active
Pricing: Free
For a number of years, I’ve wanted to have a Chrome extension that would show me a full year every time I open a new browser window or tab. I’ve often kept my calendar app open on my desktop to the full year as a reminder that time is passing, and just how quickly the years are going by. This Chrome extension came out of that desire.
The extension is very simple, it only does one thing, and currently, there are no settings for it. The only thing it does is show a full-year calendar view every time a new Chrome tab is opened.
You can add the extension to your Chrome browser here – Full Year Calendar Tab

CornMaze App
Current status: Available/Active
Pricing: $299/year for farms, free for farm visitors
Not too long after my family started doing a corn maze each fall I thought it might be interesting to have a “game” for visitors to play as they go through the maze. So I built an app that would let people make an attempt on the corn maze, check in several times throughout the maze, and then get a score based on waypoints found and time spent in the maze.
Last year I rebuilt the app and onboarded another farm. I’ve got a number of features I’m hoping to build out this year before fall.
You can find the project here – CornMaze.app
Follow a Farm
Current status: Building
Pricing: TBD
Being part of an active farm in the produce and agritourism market I’ve noticed a lack of tools specifically built for farmers to create an online presence, easily keep details about what is in season and out of season up to date, change hours, etc. As a firm believer in “owning your own space” on the web, I also want to help farmers with that.
Follow a Farm is a project that aims to mainly give farmers a simple way to get online and create a presence and following of customers. Although I’ve been thinking about this particular project for years I’ve only just broken ground on it in early 2021.
You can find the project here – Follow a Farm
Current status: Stagnant
Pricing: TBD
Over the years I’ve used a bunch of different project management software apps. Each one has its positives and its negatives, but none of them behave exactly like I would like them to.
GoSelva is my take on a project management app. After building it out enough to use personally I had to move back to using another app for some clients and I haven’t been back to work on GoSelva for about half of a year.
I do want to continue building this project, but at this point, it isn’t at the top of my list for projects to work on in my spare time.
You can sign up for updates here – GoSelva